Thursday, May 31, 2012

Today on New Scientist: 29 May 2012

First look at the face of a woman dead for 2000 years

CT scans have revealed a wealth of information about the Egyptian Rhind mummy, discovered in a tomb dating to 10 BC in the ancient city of Thebes

Violent anti-science anarchists vow to strike again

Anarchist federation claims responsibility for shooting nuclear engineering boss and blames science for subjecting humans to slavery

Bird-flu test identifies 10 strains of virus

The test can quickly and accurately identify seven more strains of H5N1 virus than the current gold standard

Needle-free device could deliver powdered drugs

A system to inject drugs without needles could work with powders instead of liquids, improving drug availability in countries with poor refrigeration

Let the creative juices flow through social networks

The internet is more than a mash-up of ideas - its social networks can spark the creative process

One-Minute Physics: Why planets can only orbit in 3D

Watch an animation that explains how planets in our solar system are able to maintain stable orbits

Genius networks: Link to a more creative social circle

The greatest artists and scientists have been inspired by brilliant peers. Now technology can help you maximise creativity by fine-tuning your social circles

Newton saved the UK economy ?10 million

Isaac Newton may be famed for his theory of gravity, but his later career at the UK's Royal Mint was impressive too

Digital danger: Is our online activity damaging us?

Two new books make the case that online living harms our psychological health and security - but there are still great rewards to reap, says Jacob Aron

Why we should care about our nitrogen footprint

We've all heard of carbon footprints, but Allison Leach tells us why we should worry about our nitrogen emissions too, and how to calculate them

Mind-reading robot teachers keep students focused

An automated system that detects when online pupils are distracted or snoozing and then uses tricks to keep them alert

3D blood vessels could aid artificial organs

Tiny 3D living blood vessels that grow, interact and respond to cells in a similar way to natural blood vessels could improve the transplantation process

Tuna carry Fukushima radiation to California

Migrating marine animals can be tracked by the radiation they picked up from last year's nuclear disaster in Japan

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