Saturday, September 1, 2012

Geotran Human Programming

Geotran human programming? What the heck is that?!

What if you could tap into the language of the universe? What would your world look like if you could let go of stress self-sabotage, be more productive, and have the perfect combination of passion, purpose, and peace of mind? Geotran human programming let you to do just that, using numbers, geometries and points on the body to clear, correct and install the programs you need to create your ideal life. A Geotran practitioner is like a computer tech who looks at an ailing machine and types in codes to fix the glitches, except that Geotran works on the human energy system (and no keyboard is required).

As a human being, you are just like a computer - plus you are the programmer as well having hardware (the body), software (programs, automatic patterns and filters) and data (all the information relating to your life, including memories and sensory impressions). All parts have to be compatible if you are to create output - which is your life.

Many people have problems with their brain-body wiring. You are designed to use the language and logic functions of the left half and the creativity of the right half with equal ease. However, most people are right-handed (i.e., left-brain dominant) or left-handed (which means the right brain is stronger). When information can't pass from one side to the other, you have dyslexia. A person can be dyslexic for any kind of activity, concept, or belief. The field shuts down when the person does that particular thing; this weakens the brain/body system, shutting down cells and eventually leading to physical ailments. Geotran was first created to clear these conditions and other learning disabilities, too.

Then there is your hard drive, where all your data is digital, stored on rings, and read by light, just like music on a CD. If you change the data, you also change the output. Even if the data gets lost or misfiled, the glitches become the basis for beliefs/actions, and you end up acting, thinking, feeling or creating something that is not right for you Little glitches lead to big glitches, and the person ends up creating some condition s/he would rather not have, such as poverty, ill-health or depression.

Geotran fixes this kind of glitch very easily. With conventional therapy, the information has to be consciously identified and replaced with correct information on a rational level. Yet only 10% of our knowledge is conscious, so that's a limited approach. With Geotran, we go into the field and use codes to correct the information directly on those rings. These days, we think nothing of sliding in a CR-ROM to change our computer programming; well before CDs were invented, Dorothy Espiau (the creator of Geotran) found ways to do the same on your inner rings. Ready to change out those programs of loss, lack and failure? Now you can!

All Geotran work uses a three-step process: "pretest, re-educate, post test". A pretest allows us to establish that something is out of alignment. The Geotran code corrects it, and the post test lets the person's system know that a change has been made. The post test uses the same action/word as the pretest. We use muscle-teating to show the energy system a difference has been made. Where the arm went down in the pretest, it stays up afterwards, showing that the action or goal is now strong and no longer causing stress.

For example, let's say a person is clumsy. This usually means that there is a glitch in the Depth Ring and messages cannot cross the midline top to bottom or front to back. If there is a glitch in the Alignment Ring, communication cannot cross the midline side-to-side. The person is dyslexic for something. Most dyslexic conditions can be fixed in minutes using the Depth and Alignment corrections. Given the many learning and life problems caused by dyslexia, it's fantastic how quickly a few easy Geotran codes can restore people to their natural programming and full function.

With Geotran, we don't have to find out what caused the contamination; we only have to correct it. Thus we save everyone time and embarrassment, while bringing the field back into alignment and correcting your programs with speed and efficiency. This lets your natural programming bounce back to create health, productivity and peace of mind. A Geotran correction is like a single line of programming code, which is used on its own to correct specific conditions/issues. We also use strings of these codes create "integrations" that align your goals quickly and easily so that you can live the life you were designed to do, be and have.

Where does Geotran come from? After years of illness, Dorothy Espiau created Geotran to help people who had tried everything else. As she worked with educational kinesiology and other healing technologies, she began to "hear" the "geometrical language of creation" that is Geotran. Dorothy found she could use these numbers and geometries to work directly in the energy fields that hold the record of everything you are. Dorothy used the new techniques on herself, and developed a practice clearing learning disabilities in kids before they had to suffer as she did in school. In the last 30 years, Geotran has developed to clear just about any human condition, so that we can all enjoy success, self-esteem and peace of mind once more.

So if you'd like your computers to work perfectly - creating your life of productivity, passion and purpose - then check out Geotran today. You'll be amazed what it feels like to live your dreams - at last!

Dr. Kyre Adept is a human programming coach bringing spirit into business. Her practice ART of Integration helps high-flyers all over the world create their delicious lives. Find out how human reprogramming can help you soar! Sign up now for your consultation at


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